Health & Safety
(updated August 2024)
In order to protect our artists, families, staff, and the public and to prevent transmission of respiratory illnesses of public health concern, YMTC will follow isolation and masking guidance issued by local, state, and federal public health authorities. Artists and staff who are ill should stay home until they recover, and be 24 hours fever-free before returning to rehearsal or work.
Staff and artists who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home until symptoms are abating and wear a mask for at least 5 days and/or until symptoms are completely gone. Anyone with serious exposures to respiratory infectious illnesses will mask when interacting with others at YMTC.
Decisions about actors performing with masks or understudies being asked to go on in place of an actor who is sick will be made on a case by case basis by the creative team in conversation with the actors’ family.
In addition, YMTC has put in place the following protocols:
- YMTC’s Aquatic Park Campus is equipped with an HVAC system that cycles and purifies the air in the rehearsal room, allowing for greater ventilation.
- YMTC offers 1 masks-required performance of each show, usually on the first Sunday matinee of the run. All audience members/staff are required to wear a mask during this performance. During all performances, audience members are encouraged to wear well-fitting masks while in the theater.
- While we are no longer requiring vaccinations, we strongly encourage all of our students, staff, guest artists, and patrons to be vaccinated against Covid-19 and to receive boosters as they become available.